HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed
HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed is a new error in Search Console. This error is occurring after Google's new update.
This error can prevent your URL indexing. Almost every blogger is facing this error. This error is mainly SSL and HTTPS-related.
Other issues can cause this error in some cases. You will find a new option in the search console named HTTPS report. You can check which of your URLs has this error in this option. You can also manage your HTTPS URLs in this option.
What are HTTP and HTTPS?
Full meaning HTTPS is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured. It means HTTPS websites are secured. HTTP websites arent secured for their visitors. After the Google update, Google will index HTTPS URLs less. So, your website shouldn't have any URL with HTTP. One can certificate HTTPS of his website through an SSL certificate.
You can check your website whether it is HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS websites contain HTTPS URL prefix before their domain. You need to enable an SSL certificate if your website is in the HTTP version.
Now, we will talk about some ways to fix this error.
Enable HTTPS redirection
You can fix this error by enabling an SSL certificate on your website. Go to Control Panel and enable Lets Encrypt SSL on your website. Now, you need to turn on HTTPS redirection on your website.
You can turn it on easily in Blogger. Go to Blogger Dashboard and open Settings. Scroll down and find the HTTPS option. Now enable HTTPS redirection. You will find another option if you use a custom domain.
Use only HTTPS URLs
You shouldn't use any HTTP URL on your website. You also shouldn't index HTTP URLs in Search Console. Whenever you inspect a URL in Search Console, always search it in the HTTPS prefix.
You shouldn't index any URL with an HTTP prefix. You shouldn't share URLs on social media with HTTP prefix. Always, try to use URLs with HTTPS prefix.
Customize Permalink
If you use Blogger, you should set the Permalink of the website as default. The permalink of a Blogger post looks like this as default yourdomain/date/post name. But, some people remove the date from the Permalink. You shouldn't customize the permalink of a post after publishing it.
If you want to customize the permalink after publishing a post, then revert the post to draft. Then, change the permalink and publish it.
HTTPS not evaluated
HTTPS not evaluated error is occurring for most cases. This error is related to other HTTPS errors like- HTTP marked with canonical tag, HTTPS has redirect, HTTPS has invalid certificate, etc. If you fix other issues, this issue might get fixed automatically.
So, fix other HTTPS errors before fixing them. This error also occurs if your website has HTTP URLs more than HTTPS. 404 errors can also cause this error. Google can stop crawling your website if your website has 404 on important pages.
These HTTPS errors are occurring on many websites without any reason. Many Blogspot sites are also facing this error. The SSL, hosting and domain are provided by Google. So, Google will fix this error automatically for these sites. If you use Blogger and enabled HTTPS redirection, you should ignore these errors.
These errors are occurring due to Google's new update. It will automatically be fixed if you already enabled these settings. You need to fix these issues and enable these settings.